Sunday 12 February 2012

@NICK CLEGG Just so you know, I hold grudges!

This month's 'SHU Life' magazine's cover story is an interview with Nick Clegg. You can imagined how pleased I felt. I believe I did quite well, I reckon I survived half way through the article before getting so angry I wanted to rip the pages into shreds. It all started with the quote “One thing I've learned from a year and a half in Government is that people who make very firm predictions about the future of the economy...almost always end up being wrong.” THIS, coming from someone who is no stranger to being wrong, about quite a lot of things, of course got me a little riled up.

Of course a major topic on everybody's mind was what was he going to say about the tuition fee increase? How was he going to respond and answer to the people who gave him the votes he got? And as expected, he has no sense of regret, remorse, or even a conscience about the decisions he made.

“I think the thing I have perhaps utterly failed to explain successfully is that even though the price of the fee has gone up – the way you prepay has gone down. It's really important to remember this.” IS THIS SOME SORT OF SICK JOKE? It's funny that he thinks that answer makes up for the fact that you are still paying more, and you will be paying more for longer. Much longer. I don't think he gets what many people are so angry about! You know... the fact that he is a liar!

Again, with not the slightest feeling of remorse “I understand when people say to me 'oh, you said this and that in opposition.' But the fact, I'm afraid, is that I lead a party which had got eight percent of MP's in Parliament. I cannot deliver the Liberal Democrat manifesto in full. If people want that, they've got to vote for a Liberal Democrat government, but it didn't happen.” So I see, its payback then. Yeah that makes sense. If you don't get into power, join the opposition and don't do anything you said you would as a way to get your own back. Well its working for him.

As he said himself, it's been a year and a half since he has been in Government. Yet, the thing he isn't noticing, is that people are still angry and upset. People still actually hate him. That is not going to be forgotten or go away anytime soon. Nick Clegg is in denial that he didn't have a choice in joining the conservatives, and if that helps him sleep at night, then good luck with that.

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