Monday 23 April 2012

Oui, j'adore macarons

A macaron, not to be confused with the coconut biscuit type, is a type of Parisian sweet meringue-based cookie, sandwiched together with a variety of cream fillings. It's definitely no typo, these are entirely two different things.>

I don't think I'll ever meet anyone who is so obsessed by these beautiful French sweet treats. The smell sets off light bulbs in my head. Different décor, different flavourings that could work, different concepts and different ideas. For the past few years I have been memorized by these confectioneries, trying to taste every different flavour there is to offer. It first started Christmas 2 years ago. I was stuck at Charles De Gualle Airport in Paris. After wondering around for a good 3 days, I seemed to find myself stood beside a food cart. A very special mouthwatering, enticing food cart. So many beautiful colours and flavours appealing to me. I was amazed. Laduree, my favourite patisserie specialise in these treats, another huge attraction. Lines are long, but be patient. Once you have tried these you have entered an entirely different world.

The many attempts of perfecting the perfect Macaron is proving difficult. They demand a precision in the mixing, baking and cooling.

I'm not quite there yet, but nevertheless, if you have never tried a Macaron you definitely are missing out. These treats are becoming ever more popular by the day, now stocking in a variety of supermarket chains. Beware, you can never just have one. A macaron teases. These dainty treats leave you wanting more than to begin with. Once I have a French patisserie of my own, I'll make sure you'll have fallen in love with these treats as much as I have.

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