Monday 2 January 2012

Decay Of Our Society?..

Cultural values and society is indeed in decline. To illustrate this, if you took two newspapers, one being from 1959, and the other from 2012 present, I guarantee that the more recent newspaper will reveal a significantly lower cultural level in all respects, except the quality and quantity of photographs. There is a social and moral decay within our society. It's a fact that if you read The Sun newspaper then The Times newspaper, there's a difference in cultural interest significantly. Nobody realises it yet, but probably in the near future, the only news we will have will be; photographs of celebrities getting fat, and then showbiz gossip of who lost the most weight using their own fitness DVD's. If you seem to ask someone what's the biggest social issue of this week, it'll be Katy Perry and Russell Brand splitting up, or 'Jedward' on Alan Carr's Chatty Man, without a shadow of a doubt. This is the idea that celebrities take priority to somewhat general major issues of pollution or global warming, etc. Society has become so obsessed with this idea of a celebrity world to the extent that it has strayed away from the real issues at hand. People spend so many hours reading magazines, listening to radio shows, and even watching television shows revolved around celebrity gossip. What about the news? Or politics? What about the things affecting us personally or the things that will eventually affect us all? It's a question that must be asked in our celebrity culture: why do we care? What possesses us to keep up on our celebrity news? It comes as no surprise that our society is obsessed and mesmerised with fame. This is our decay of society on a culture level.

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